
Looney Tunes "Twouble!" Intruction Booklet


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Rated Everyone.  Warning: Please read carefully the consumer information and precautions booklet included with this boklet before using your Nintendo hardware system, game pak or accessory.  This booklet containsimportant safety information.

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Espanol.........11(Not included)
Francais........17(Not included)

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How to Play...........6
Score Bar..............9
Hints and Tips.....10
90 Day Limited Warranty....24

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How to Play
Control Pad: Move around, change an option
Select Button: Move the cursor through a menu
A button: Jump
B button: Pick up or drop an object, try combinations
Start button: Start a game, Pause, Confirm options

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Level of difficulty: "easy" or "hard"
Music On/Off: play with or without music
Password: enter the code that lets you start off were you left off at
To chose an option:  press UP or Down
To change an option:  press Left or Right
To confirm your choice: press Start
You can leave the options menu at any time by pressing B button

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Write down the passwords given to you during the game.  Using these, you can resume a game.  Use the +conrtol pad to change teh faces.
Once you've found the right combination, press Start button.
You can return to the options menu at any time by pressing the B button.

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The Score Bar
The combo icon: When you have two items in your invetory, you can combine them to make a new item.  Press the B button(the cursor will start to blink on your invetory) and place the cursor on the combo icon, provided you've got the right combination.
Collected bonuses:  Show the number of bonuses you have. (In easy mode, 5 bonuses are needed to restore a try.  10 modes are needed in hard)
Collected items:  You can pick up two items and carry them with you.  To pick up an item, walk over it and press the B button.  To drop an item, press the B button, place the cursor on the item and press the B button again.

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Hints and Tips
Funiture too high: Make a cushion to jump higher.
No light in a room: Look for the switch in another room.
Hector's bothering you: Give him a bone to keep him busy.
Dangerous obsticles to pass:  Jump on the boling ball and make it roll under your feet.

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A bunch of rich people that you don't know.
If you want the know the people who made it, email me at

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Limited Warrenty
blah blah blah
its not like you read it anyway.  Its the same thing on every game. 
If you want the warrenty stats, email to  

This was written by Daniel Souers of Living in Color (Game Boy!).