June 13, 2001
News and Stuff:
If you havn't noticed yet on the side contents bar, I've added a links page. Also unless you have been living under a rock for the past couple of years, the GAMEBOY ADVANCED IS IN STORES TODAY! So get off of your lazy ass and go get it dammit! It will own you!?!?.....Uh sorry for that little outburst, bye, bye now :) --Jesse--
We're baaccckkkk!!!(June 12, 2001):
Well, um, GBOnline is back! Though this time around there will be a larger focus on the Gameboy itself. With more Reviews/Previews, and in depth Editorials, expect tons more for your eyes to read. --Jesse--
Gameboy Advance Out Today, but there is a catch!:
Like I stated above the Gameboy Advanced is out in stores today. But from what I've heard from some store personal the GBA will be hard to get right away unless you have pre-ordered it. Too bad, but for the people that have pre-ordered theirs or already have one from import, good for you! Now stop reading this, and go play it! --Jesse--
Go Raise Hell:
Say what? Hey, you talking to me. Yah, you! Uh...nevermind.
How about raising some hell about the GB news or maybe checking out what some
one else has said. RAISE HELL NOW!!
Twisted GameBoy:
Its not the norm of GameBoy. You
haven't seen this anywhere else. Its Twisted GameBoy. Check
it out now. You will wish you had. |
Tons of reviews are on the way. We are just waiting for a couple
of new webmasters to post them for us. Check back soon to check them out.
Vactical Intertainment interview:
Check out this brand new interview that dicloses the plans of Vactical
Entertainment. They are the makers of Deerhunter and other such titles. Its a
must. Check out this interview now.
We Need Staff:
We currently have five staff members. Check them out.
We need more people still. From anywhere to writing reviews to updating the
site. You chose. We need you. Apply on
Staff!! You can even be incharge of public relations by adding us to search
engines and addvertising for us. We Want YOU!
However, currently we need mostly people who can program in HTML.
This will help the site grow. Thanks. Any help would be appritiated.